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  1. Ensure each member has submitted a Membership Application and been issued a TCCA Membership Invoice Number.
  2. Submit the following Bulk Membership Application (see form below) for each group of 11 members (i.e. provide 10 membership invoices and receive 1 membership invoice FREE)
  3. Any memberships you have above multiples of 11, will simply need to be paid by the individual invoices.
      • Examples:
      • 10 or less employees: Does not qualify for Bulk Application Membership processing
      • 11 employees: Submit a Bulk Membership Application listing each employees (be sure not to list the same employee twice)
      • 14 employees: submit a Bulk Membership Application for the first 11 employees, but then the remaining 3 employees will require separate payment for each membership
      • 22 Employees: Submit TWO Bulk Membership Applications listing each set of 11 employees (be sure not to list the same employee twice

Texas Court Clerks Association

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