Thursday, June 11, 2020
Registration is Open
$40 fee payable to City Essentials
This is an online event using GoToMeeting Platform
2 hours - certification education credit:
9:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Enter into Meeting/Welcome
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
*Establish why these topics are important to you and your organization *Explore data privacy and security issues impacting the local government community *Examine why local government is being targeted *Discuss ethical obligations in the face of security and data privacy issues *Explore common security vulnerabilities *Talk about next steps you can take to strengthen your security and data privacy posture
*Establish why these topics are important to you and your organization
*Explore data privacy and security issues impacting the local government community
*Examine why local government is being targeted
*Discuss ethical obligations in the face of security and data privacy issues
*Explore common security vulnerabilities
*Talk about next steps you can take to strengthen your security and data privacy posture
Presented by Ben Terry and Rick Irvine, McLane Intelligent Solutions
To Register for this event - please contact
Sheila Bojorquez
City Hall Essentials, LLC
Any participant seeking credit must forward their certificate with an application for certification to Lily Pebworth at TMCEC.
Texas Court Clerks Association
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