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Find the event you wish to attend from the list below and click on the registration button.

Registration is required for all events.

TCCA Members - discounted fees available

Non-members - fee required

You will need a credit card available at the time of registration. 

Your registration will be automatically cancelled if not paid within 10 minutes of registration. 

Beginning October 1, 2024, Texas Municipal Courts Association (TMCA) members will no longer be eligible for free or reduced fees.

Effective January 2025, you may take the Level I exam in parts!

An individual may request an opportunity to test in a private location to be coordinated by the TCCA Education Chair or TMCEC Program Coordinator.

Requests for testing at an alternative testing site must be made by submitting the request form below.  The individual requesting special accommodations must submit this form on their own behalf.  Requests by a third party will not be considered.

Documentation to justify the request will depend upon the nature of the request.  Such documentation may include, but is not limited to:

  • Recommendation of a qualified professional
  • Proof of past exam accommodations; and/or
  • Applicant's history of diagnosis (medical records submitted in reference to this request will not be stored or saved)

The TCCA Education Committee Chair will schedule a date and time for the test within 30 days of approval.  Once approved, the requestor will be required to register and submit payment for testing fees online.  Testing fees are non refundable.

Submit Request Here

Texas Court Clerks Association

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